岐阜市立女子短期大学研究紀要 第52輯(平成15年3月)




The Questionnaire Survey of the Use of Personal Computer and its Education in Gifu City Women's College
- With Relation to Design by Personal Computer -

久保村 里正
Risei Kubomura


Recently, it becomes keen on the use of personal computer applied to the information education. But it is not exactly clear the precise picture of its use and also establish the method. This paper reports the result of the questionnaire survey of the use of personal computer and its education method in Gifu City Women's College. The survey aims to get basic data to improve the information education and to establish the policy of information education in the institution of the higher education.
The construction of this paper is given below;

  1. Prologue
  2. T The purpose of this study
  3. U The outline of questionnaire survey
  4. V The details of survey items
  5. W Result
  6. X Conclusion
  7. Epilogue