岐阜市立女子短期大学研究紀要 第52輯(平成15年3月)
Investigation of Open Classes
平 真由美 | 今井 素惠 |
藤田 美加 | 岡本 佐恵子 |
Mayumi TAIRA | Motoe IMAI |
The increasing need to re-educate members of society presents good opportunities for Gifu City to offer information to the public. At Gifu City Women’s College (GCWC), a library has been opened to the public and continuing education classes in cooperation with other universities have been set up. However, the number of participants in the open classes at GCWC has not increased. The purpose of this investigation is to explore the cause of participant reduction. We conducted an opinion poll in order to better understand the current situation. The results will be used to help improve open classes offered in the future.