岐阜市立女子短期大学研究紀要 第52輯(平成15年3月)



Small Building with a Triangular Balcony

今井 裕夫
Hiroo IMAI

Small Building with Triangular Terrace

The work described in this paper is the reconstruction of a residential business located in an old but modern area of a city. A new built road necessitated the destruction of the previous building and misfigured the plot of land it was located on. The resulting appearance of the new building was shaped by these unavoidable circumstances. As the building projects into a bend of the wide new road, one concept was to assign to it the role of a neighorhood landmark. Another design theme was to explore to what degree a residence could spontaneously function inside an unusually shaped plot of land. While this work is but a small building located on an irregularly shaped plot of land, it aims to make order out of disorder.
