岐阜市立女子短期大学研究紀要 第53輯(平成16年3月)
The new possibility of public art which suggest expression activity
at the arcade space
石松丈佳 | 山田綾 |
Takeyoshi ISHIMATSU | Aya YAMADA |
This study has the two themes. We are introducing the order of “work of the flag art”. First, “work of the flag art” gave us some suggestion. We considered the result which was learned by “work of the flag art”. Next, we have described how arcade space should be caught from a viewpoint of an art. Then, we considered what meaning the flag art would make as public art. At the end we have considered the meaning of the “flag art exhibition” in the arcade space.
Key words : パブリックアート、公共空間、地域、芸術、アートプロジェクト