岐阜市立女子短期大学研究紀要 第53輯(平成16年3月)




A Trial for Cross Cultural Communication
in Terms of College English Education
――Cross Cultural Subject :“Studying Abroad”――

山本健一 吉田恒義 大橋真由美
Kenichi YAMAMOTO Tsuneyoshi YOSHIDA Mayumi OHASHI


Since1992, the authors and students have been studying how to communicate with the people in foreign countries by joining the summer language program, “Studying Abroad”, at Thomas More College in Cincinnati Ohio, in the United States. Our students have learned that it is important to transmit their own ideas, opinions and cultural understanding toward the foreign people through the program of “Studying Abroad”. Since2003, we have started another summer language program at Kapiolani Community College of University of Hawaii in Honolulu, Hawaii. These projects of cross cultural communication joining the summer language program at Thomas More College and Kapiolani Community College of University of Hawaii is going well successfully so far. Through the projects, we have come to understand that the experience of studying abroad can lead our students to a higher level of communication between different cultures.

キーワード : 異文化交流、語学研修、英米文化、留学