岐阜市立女子短期大学研究紀要 第53輯(平成16年3月)



Long term high-fat diet, wheel running, and blood glucose in rats

青木貴子 黒木由希子
Takako AOKI Yukiko KUROKI


Rats feeding high-fat diet tend to get more weight than rats feeding usual meal. In order to examine high-fat diet induce insufficient glucose metabolism, and to examine physical exercise affects the metabolism,9week-old rats fed high-fat diet(41% fat)or control diet(12% fat)for 96weeks in stainless mesh cages with wheel. Blood glucose was measured once a month since27week old. The blood glucose after6-hour food deprivation was not high in any rat, at any month. After60weeks old, many disorders of health happened on rats. Therefore, the exact comparison is impossible but high-fat diet had tendency to make rats hypercholesteloremia.

Key words : high-fat diet, physical exercise, blood glucose, serum cholesterol, old rats