Cooking habits and skills among college students majored in food and nutrition or
home economics education
堀光代 | 平島円* | 磯部 由香* | 長野 宏子** |
Mitsuyo HORI | Madoka HIRASHIMA | Yuka ISOBE | Hiroko NAGANO |
*三重大学 | **岐阜大学 |
Questionnaire research was conducted to investigate cooking habits and skills among 204 college students. Eighty seven students were food and nutrition major or home economics education major. The students, which majored in food and nutrition or home economics education, prepared or cooked a meal more often and they spent longer time for preparing or cooking a meal, compared with other students. Moreover most of them had a specialty dish. We found that the students, which majored in food and nutrition or home economics education, were interested in food and cooking compared with other students.
Key words : 料理 調理用語 調理技術 大学生