


「GIFUを着る」「Fashion Show of the Future Designers in GIFU」を通して

Reflections on Carrying Out Fashion Shows Entitled,
“GIFU wo Kiru” and “Fashion Show of the Future Designers in GIFU”

伊藤 陽子
Yoko Ito


In this paper, the author reports on how she planned, administrated, and carried out a fashion show which was a part of a department course. In relation to this topic, the following areas are discussed: what shape the course took, how the fashion show was put into practice, the significance of its implementation, and improvements to made in the future. In addition to the author's own reflection on these areas, student opinions are also included.

Key words : ファッションショー 授業 岐阜学生 アパレル 産・官・学連携