Impression of screen and color decoration on it
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Makiba Sakamoto | Hidetsugu Suto | Masahiro Sawai |
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The relationship between a color decoration position on a screen and the effect is discussed. The experiments are carried out in order to investigate the changing of impression of a screen according to the position of decorations. 48 kinds screens, i.e., combinations of 4 patterns position and 12 kinds of colorations, are prepared. The subject see the screens and answer the impressions by using SD-method. As a result, it becomes clear that the position of decorations doesnft give any effects on the impressions, generally. Especially, all screens with soft image colorations, e.g., gclear,h and gnatural,h are evaluated as same impression. In addition, the decorations put on the bottom of a screen effect stronger on subjectsf impression than the decoration put on the top of the screen.
Keywords : Color decoration, Screen, Design, Impression