


A Study of Clothing Life from the Research on the Clothes of Elderly and Young People

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Motoe IMAI


@The purpose of this paper is to produce gcomfortable clothesh for a comfortable clothing life. I focus on both elderly and young people to make a study of their clothing life by investigating their fashion sense, physical features, taste in dress, and the tendency of purchase in addition to their opinions and requests.
It is important to suggest comfortable clothes for each age and produce or reform clothes which can cover their physical changes with age and make them look beautiful. Since we should regard their physical changes with age as their personality, it is necessary to produce adjustable clothes. We need companies and various volunteers to support them under any situations.

Keywords : ˆß•žÝŒvA‘ÌŒ`•Ï‰»A’…’EA’…S’nA‘fÞ