Impression of screen and color decoration on it
坂本 牧葉 | *須藤 秀紹 |
Makiba Sakamoto | Hidetsugu Suto |
*室蘭工業大学 大学院 もの創造系領域 |
The relations between the effects of coloration of touch panel interface designs on operators and their generations were
discussed. 15 interface screens used in the experiments were prepared based on the DBV and the brightness of the
screen. 5 different DBV values that is from 0 to 4 and 3 different brightnesses of screens that is light, medium, and dark
are used for the coloration. In the experiment, simple tasks that can be done with skills base process were used to
investigate the effect on simple operations. As a result, the average of “number of incorrect answers” and “number of
timeouts” followed on falling and the values of brightnesses of screen of DBV=3 became fewer for younger subjects.
Furthermore, the difference between the value of younger subjects and the value of the older subjects, It is bigger when
using the DBV=0 screens and DBV=2 screens, young subjects were able to operate it correctly.
Keywords : Color decoration, Screen, Design, Impression