Research on dietary intake of women college studenImprovement in knowledge on cutting skills among junior college students
after taking cooking classest
堀 光代 | 平島 円* | 磯部 由香* | 長野 宏子** |
Mitsuyo HORI | Madoka HIRASHIMA | Yuka ISOBE | Hiroko NAGANO |
*三重大学 | *三重大学 | **岐阜大学 |
Tests for 12 basic culinary cutting ways were given to 195 female junior college students who entered the college in 2009, 2010 and 2011. We studied the effect of taking cooking classes by comparing students’ correct answer rate for the tests. Tests were done before and after taking cooking classes. One point was given to each correct answer, making the full-score 12 points. The average scores before and after taking cooking classes were 7.8 points and 11.0 points, the correct answer rates being 64.9% and 91.4%, respectively. Knowledge on all cutting ways except on fine chopping improved after they took cooking classes. It was found that some students had difficulty in distinguishing some cutting ways. However, as seen in the result of the tests, the correct answer rate became higher after students took cooking classes, indicating a positive effect of taking cooking classes.
Keywords : 料理 調理技術 切り方 短期大学生