


Effects of guardians’ lifestyle on dietary behaviors in preschool children



The objective of this study was to clarify the current dietary habits of young children and the dietary awareness of their guardians. A questionnaire survey was administered to the guardians of young children living in Gifu Prefecture in order to analyze the effects of guardians’ lifestyle and interest in dietary behavior on young children. The subjects were 336 guardians of preschool children (response rate, 85.3%). Guardians with earlier bedtimes were found to be more likely to eat breakfast with their families, and their children watched less TV during dinner and exhibited less picky eating behavior than the children of guardians with later bedtimes. These findings suggest that steady sleeping behaviors in guardians are associated with dietary behaviors in children.

Keywords : food education食育,guardians life style保護者の生活習慣,dietary life食生活, preschool children幼児