


Energy expenditure after tea or ginger tea

青木 貴子 黒木 由希子
Takako AOKI Yukiko KUROKI


Ginger has hot taste, and is used to care for hie-sho (cold-feeling). We studied whether ginger increased energy consumption or not. Women took tea with or without ginger. Energy consumption after 20-40 min was compared to that before taking tea. The ratio was not different between with and without ginger (n=17). In 9 subjects, oxygen consumption until 20 min was continuously compared to that before taking tea. There was no difference between with and without ginger, either. Nevertheless, 7subjects described that ginger tea warmed the body more than control tea. Some constituents may modify the sense of temperature.

Keywords : 生姜、紅茶、冷え症、エネルギー代謝、酸素消費量