


VI design of sportswear brand "Razzoli" by the industry-academia cooperation project

小川 直茂 奥村 和則 坂本 牧葉
OGAWA Naoshige OKUMURA Kazunori SAKAMOTO Makiba


For the future of higher education institutions, the promotion of industry-academia cooperation project is very important. The industry-academia cooperation project leads to regional and social contribution. Therefore, we had tackled many industry-academia cooperation projects as a designer. This time, we worked on VI design of sportswear brand "Razzoli" with SANKEI Corporation. This project is aimed at activating the Gifu apparel industry. We designed the symbol-mark and logotype in cooperation with students. And we considered the social and educational meaning that this project will bring.

Keywords : 産学連携、商品開発、VIデザイン