

〒501-0192 岐阜市一日市場北町7-1


コットン ランダル (COTTEN, Randall)

職名       准教授
最終学歴等   南イリノイ大学大学院言語学科TEFL修士課程修了
全国語学教育学会(JALT)会員、 外国語教育メディア学会 (LET) 会員、
大学英語教育学会 (JACET) 会員
1. 英会話を利用した英文法学習の効果
2. 英会話の授業におけるビデオの効果的な使用法
3. 読解と作文技術の相互関係


 1. Cotten, R. (1995). Giving students authority. In R. White (Ed.), New    Ways in Teaching Writing. Virginia: TESOL (pp. 65-67).
 2. Cotten, R. (1996). Counseling-learning and the Japanese EFL student.   Bulletin of the Faculty of Humanities, Ohu University 8, 115-137.
 3. Cotten, R. & Gleadall, I. [共著] (1998). Revision of an oral English     communication program: Needs analysis and approaches to syllabus     design. Bulletin of the Faculty of Humanities, Ohu University 10, 115-137.
 4. Cotten, R. (1999). Using video feedback for nurturing self-monitoring   skills. Video Rising, 11 (1), 3-6.
 5. Cotten, R. (2000). Directed grammar practice through spoken exercises.  Bulletin of Gifu City Women's College, 49.
 6.Cotten, R. (2000) Intercultural communication training: Issues and    methods. Bulletin of Gifu City Women's College 50, 29-35
 7.Cotten, R. (2001). Using video feedback skills for nurturing        self-monitoring skills. The Language Teacher, 25(2), 17-20.
 8.Cotten, R. (2001). Debate in the conversation classroom. Bulletin of   Gifu City Women's College 51, 61-71.
 9.Cotten, R. (2002). Computer-Assisted Language Instruction: Needs and  Means. Bulletin of Gifu City Women's College 52, 47-55.
 10.Cotten, R. (2002). The Effectiveness of PowerPoint-Aided Instruction  on Vocabulary Acquisition. LET Journal of Central Japan 14, 123-132.
 11.Cotten, R. (2003). Using movies in a content-based communication   course: Realizations and implementations. Bulletin of Gifu City Women's   College 53, 41-46.
 12.Cotten, R. (2004). Input variables in caption research. Bulletin of Gifu  City Women's College 54, 17-22.
 13.Cotten, R. (2005). Improving composition skills through peer review.  Bulletin of Gifu City Women's College 55, 9-13.
 14.Cotten, R. (2006). Co-adaptation in the EFL classroom: Adapting the  teacher, adapting the learner. Bulletin of Gifu City Women's College 56,    7-14.
 15. Cotten, R. (2014). Material Selection in an EFL Content Course. Bulletin of Gifu City Women's College 63.

 1. Cotten, R. (1993). Intentions and interpretations: The inter-relationship  of reading and writing. Illinois TESOL/ BE Graduate Student Conference.
 2. Cotten, R. (1994). Student-generated motivation: HyperCard in the    conversation classroom. JALT Nagoya Softfare '94.
 3. Cotten, R. (2002). Using PowerPoint as an Effective Teaching Aid. Japan Association for Language Education and Technology ( LET), 60th Chubu Area Conference, Mie University, Tsu City.

 1. 岐阜市総合企画部国際交流推進室主催「外国人によるまちづくり会議」委員長
 2. 岐阜市立女子短期大学第15回公開講座「海外旅行のための英会話」講師
 3. 岐阜県本巣郡穂積町立本田小学校「国際交流会」講師(平成14年2月)
 4. 岐阜市国際交流推進室主催「国際化懇話会」委員(平成14年2月)
 5. 財団法人岐阜市国際交流協会主催「岐阜市の国際化を考える」パネラー
 6. 岐阜市立女子短期大学公開講座「アメリカの古い歌 − 背景と意味」