〒501-0192 岐阜市一日市場北町7-1
職名 准教授 |
最終学歴等 南イリノイ大学大学院言語学科TEFL修士課程修了 |
所属学会 全国語学教育学会(JALT)会員、 外国語教育メディア学会 (LET) 会員、 大学英語教育学会 (JACET) 会員 |
専門分野 外国語による英語教育方法 |
研究テーマ 1. 英会話を利用した英文法学習の効果 2. 英会話の授業におけるビデオの効果的な使用法 3. 読解と作文技術の相互関係 |
主要業績 学術論文 1. Cotten, R. (1995). Giving students authority. In R. White (Ed.), New Ways in Teaching Writing. Virginia: TESOL (pp. 65-67). 2. Cotten, R. (1996). Counseling-learning and the Japanese EFL student. Bulletin of the Faculty of Humanities, Ohu University 8, 115-137. 3. Cotten, R. & Gleadall, I. [共著] (1998). Revision of an oral English communication program: Needs analysis and approaches to syllabus design. Bulletin of the Faculty of Humanities, Ohu University 10, 115-137. 4. Cotten, R. (1999). Using video feedback for nurturing self-monitoring skills. Video Rising, 11 (1), 3-6. 5. Cotten, R. (2000). Directed grammar practice through spoken exercises. Bulletin of Gifu City Women's College, 49. 6.Cotten, R. (2000) Intercultural communication training: Issues and methods. Bulletin of Gifu City Women's College 50, 29-35 7.Cotten, R. (2001). Using video feedback skills for nurturing self-monitoring skills. The Language Teacher, 25(2), 17-20. 8.Cotten, R. (2001). Debate in the conversation classroom. Bulletin of Gifu City Women's College 51, 61-71. 9.Cotten, R. (2002). Computer-Assisted Language Instruction: Needs and Means. Bulletin of Gifu City Women's College 52, 47-55. 10.Cotten, R. (2002). The Effectiveness of PowerPoint-Aided Instruction on Vocabulary Acquisition. LET Journal of Central Japan 14, 123-132. 11.Cotten, R. (2003). Using movies in a content-based communication course: Realizations and implementations. Bulletin of Gifu City Women's College 53, 41-46. 12.Cotten, R. (2004). Input variables in caption research. Bulletin of Gifu City Women's College 54, 17-22. 13.Cotten, R. (2005). Improving composition skills through peer review. Bulletin of Gifu City Women's College 55, 9-13. 14.Cotten, R. (2006). Co-adaptation in the EFL classroom: Adapting the teacher, adapting the learner. Bulletin of Gifu City Women's College 56, 7-14. 15. Cotten, R. (2014). Material Selection in an EFL Content Course. Bulletin of Gifu City Women's College 63. 学会発表 1. Cotten, R. (1993). Intentions and interpretations: The inter-relationship of reading and writing. Illinois TESOL/ BE Graduate Student Conference. 2. Cotten, R. (1994). Student-generated motivation: HyperCard in the conversation classroom. JALT Nagoya Softfare '94. 3. Cotten, R. (2002). Using PowerPoint as an Effective Teaching Aid. Japan Association for Language Education and Technology ( LET), 60th Chubu Area Conference, Mie University, Tsu City. 社会活動 1. 岐阜市総合企画部国際交流推進室主催「外国人によるまちづくり会議」委員長 (平成12年2月以降) 2. 岐阜市立女子短期大学第15回公開講座「海外旅行のための英会話」講師 (平成13年9月) 3. 岐阜県本巣郡穂積町立本田小学校「国際交流会」講師(平成14年2月) 4. 岐阜市国際交流推進室主催「国際化懇話会」委員(平成14年2月) 5. 財団法人岐阜市国際交流協会主催「岐阜市の国際化を考える」パネラー (平成15年2月) 6. 岐阜市立女子短期大学公開講座「アメリカの古い歌 − 背景と意味」 (平成22年8月) |